Ming Y. Hsu, Founder and CEO
In 1993, Ming earned his Bachelor degree in electrical engineering at National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan and 1998 the Master degree in electrical engineering at North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, USA.
From 1998 to 2008, he worked in the U.S. for several companies in electric power transmission and market areas including Mid-America Interconnection Network (MAIN), Midwest ISO (now called Mid-continent ISO), Paliza consulting, and California ISO. Among those companies, he served at various departments in Engineering, IT, Consulting, and Market Monitoring and provided services in power flow studies, power application development & support, market power mitigation and LMP-based power market simulation & analysis. His interest of area then was development of power system application for congestion analysis, electricity market and smart grid. Since 2009, he has been working in sales & marketing related jobs and tasks. On November 15, 2021, he joined Ubiik as a contract Field Application Engineer for AMI Field Trials deployments and Distributed Energy Resource(DER) site constructions until now.
自1998年到2008年,他在美國曾任職於電力傳輸及市場領域的幾個公司包括美中互聯電網(MAIN)、美中西部電力市場暨獨立調度中心(MISO)、Paliza顧問公司、加州電力市場暨獨立調度中心(CAISO)。在這期間,他分別在不同的工程、資訊、顧問及市場監督等部門待過,並負責電力潮流分析、電力應用軟體開發&維護、抑止市場壟斷策略和節點電價模擬分析等工作。他的興趣領域是電力系統應用軟體開發,並應用於擁塞分析、電力市場及智慧電網。 自2009年,則一直從事行銷及業務相關工作及學習,並於2021年11月,加入台灣優必闊科技股份有限公司為約聘場域工程師,參與AMI實驗佈建及分散式能源(DER)應用場域建置至今。
He will be in charge of Marketing & Sales.
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